Loving God, loving our neighbour, making disciples of all nations
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Hello and welcome to our website.
Ardtrea and Desertcreat are two rural church communities who are part of the Diocese of Armagh in the Church of Ireland.
Both Ardtrea and Desertcreat are parishes with a lot of individual history but in 1952 they came together as a group.
We welcome you warmly to our home on the web and hope you enjoy time spent with us here. You’ll find info on what we do and links to our pages on social media. Thanks for visiting.
About Us
Desertcreat is one of the oldest Christian worship sites in Ireland. From what we know, Desertcreat has been a site of Christian worship for about 1500 years.
Ardtrea too is a historic place, named after an Irish Saint, St Trea.
The current building at Ardtrea dates to 1829 but there were several other buildings on the site before that .
Church is people. We are blessed to have beautiful old buildings as our meeting places but any time the bible uses the word ‘ church’ it’s always referring to people. Here on our gallery page you’ll find a collection of photos. Each one captures a moment in time. Enjoy browsing time.
Being an outward looking church is really important to us. Jesus commissioned his first followers to go into all the world and make disciples. We are part of that continuing ‘ going’. Over the years we have sent teams to South America and Uganda. We are privileged to be linked with Christians working in the South Pacific, Argentina and Uganda. Closer to home we are also linked with an organisation called Church Army. Have a look on our Mission page for more info.
If you would like to watch more of our videos, please visit our videos page for a small selection, or our YouTube Channel for all the videos.